[open-science] Fwd: Biodiversity Databases Spread, Prompting Unification Call

Tim Schweizer Tim.Schweizer at luther.edu
Fri Jun 26 20:22:55 UTC 2009

Is open-science part of this?

Tim Schweizer, Ph.D.
Office: (001) 563.387.1131
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E-mail: Tim.Schweizer at luther.edu

*Science* 26 June 2009:
Vol. 324. no. 5935, pp. 1632 - 1633
DOI: 10.1126/science.324_1632News of the Week Biodiversity Databases Spread,
Prompting Unification Call * Claire Thomas *

Scientists increasingly recognize the value of collaborative, open-access
data sharing for understanding the world. But there's still a wide gap
between wanting to share and figuring out how to do it right, discovered
those who attended an international meeting on biodiversity this month. The
goal of e-Biosphere 09, a meeting for creators and users of the Encyclopedia
of Life, the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, the Catalogue of Life, and
other major efforts to build and manage open-access biodiversity databases,
was to figure out how to combine data from at least 100 systems into one
gigantic, online, open-access database that will eventually cover all life
on Earth, with lots of information, including primary research. But whether
these researchers are ready to create one-stop shopping for biodiversity
remains to be seen.
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