[open-science] Minutes from WG Meeting Feb 16 2011

Jenny Molloy jcmcoppice12 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 23:38:38 UTC 2011

Dear All

See below for a summary of key points from the WG meeting on Feb 16 2011,
I've listed here the main updates, followed by a list of things you could
contribute to and any interesting events that are coming up. If you'd like
more detailed updates on projects or to view the full minutes, visit

The next meeting will be Wednesday 9th March, 17:30 GMT.


Panton Papers Drafts:
The PP drafts are ongoing, please see the meeting Etherpad for an update
from Greg on his Intellectual Property and Data paper and see previous
emails for more information on who is doing what.

Advertising the working group and collaborative activities:
There are many groups with similar interests to our own, a few potential
groups to get in touch with are listed on the Etherpad but please feel free
to add others!

CKAN Package Parties/Hack sessions:
One way to collaborate with other subject specific groups could be to
organise short time periods where we work to add/curate data packages on
CKAN within a certain theme and make Is It Open? requests as applicable.

Egon Willighagen introduced the meeting to the topic of linked open drug
data http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/LODD/Data. There is already a group of
packages added to CKAN http://ckan.net/package/lodd_group but we could add
others and send requests where the openness of data is not clear. A package
party is provisionally scheduled for Monday March 7th at 19:00 GMT, for
about an hour. More details to follow, but please put the date in your
diary! If you know any other open sciencers in your area, why not make it a
physical meet up? Preferably with cake, which always improves both
attendance and productivity.

Hopefully this will be a regular activity, so if there is an open science
data theme you think needs attention, please bring it up at a future

OKCon Science Participation:
The call for participation at the Open Knowledge Conference 2011 can be
found here http://okcon.org/2011/cfp/. It would be great to get plenty of
open scientific data related proposals, so please forward this to any people
or organisations you think would be interested.

There is a list of where the CFP has already been sent on the OKCon Etherpad

Open Science Working Group page:
The home of the working group http://science.okfn.org/ currently has a
lovely but irrelevant landscape as its page header. Suggestions were sought
for a new image and Amrapali has offered to generate an open science themed
word cloud using http://www.wordle.net/.
Watch this space for an image revamp!

We also hope to embed or link to a calendar listing all meeting dates and
relevant conferences and events submitted by group members or tagged as open
science related on http://lanyrd.com/.

Things to Do!

1) Join the linked open drug data package party on Monday 7th March, 19:00
2) Send the OKCon CFP to any people/organisations you think might be
interested in participating http://okcon.org/2011/cfp/<http://bit.ly/cFgi94>
3) Continue collaborating and commenting on Panton Paper drafts, see the
meeting minutes at http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-16Feb2011 and
http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-meetings for more information.

OKF/Open Science Related Events:

30 Jun/1 Jul - OKCon at Kalkscheune, Berlin (www.kalkscheune.de), see the
website at http://okcon.org/2011/ for more details and to register.
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