[open-science] Royal Society Report Submission

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Tue Jul 19 07:17:57 UTC 2011

Dear All

The drafting session yesterday evening yielded a useful outline which can
now be fleshed out and commented on. Please do take a look at
http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-RS-SAPE and add your comments/ideas.

It is currently in note form and essentially documents our discussion last
night, so if anybody wants to edit points into sentences and paragraphs that
would be very useful! We will review again on 30th July to assess how much
work needs to be done before submission prior to 5th August.

Thanks a lot for everyone's help thus far :)


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>wrote:

> Hi All
> Just a reminder for those interested in contributing to the Royal Society
> 'Science as a Public Enterprise' Call for Evidence that I'll be on Skype and
> Etherpad from 17:30 GMT (18:30 BST) this evening to draft out a response.
> Please join me!
> If the timing is inconvenient please leave any comments you would like
> included on the Etherpad http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-RS-SAPE at some
> point during the next week. These can be a stream of conciousness if you
> like - they can always be edited :)
> The date for submission is 5th August and I hope we will have something
> together by the end of July.
> Jenny.
> On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>wrote:
>> Dear All
>> We have a couple of writing based projects on the go at the moment so in
>> an effort to get them well on the way and divide them between people in
>> manageable chunks, we'll be holding writing sprints for the next two Monday
>> evenings:
>> Monday 11th July (17:30-19:30 UTC/GMT) - Panton Principles Case Studies
>> http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-PPcasestudies
>> (previous email
>> http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-science/2011-June/000837.html)
>> Monday 18th July (17:30-19:30 UTC/GMT) - Royal Society SAPE Call for
>> Evidence http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-RS-SAPE
>> (blog post
>> http://science.okfn.org/2011/05/19/royal-society-townhall-meeting-on-open-science/
>> )
>> If you're interested in contributing, read the background before dropping
>> in, add your name to the Etherpad and we'll start off on Skype to assign
>> tasks before shifting  to Etherpad. Left over sections will be divided up at
>> the end for people to take away with them - if you want to  :)
>> If you can't attend on the evening, please still contribute comments and
>> suggestions to the pads at your convenience and if any sections are left
>> unclaimed on the night I'll email them out to the mailing list.
>> Thanks very much and I look forward to writing with some of you next
>> Monday!
>> Jenny
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