[open-science] WG Meeting - 21 Mar 2012, 17:30 UTC

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Thu Mar 15 14:03:05 UTC 2012

Hi All

There will be a working group meeting next week focusing specifically on
ideas for the open science hackday on 31 March (
the open science programme at OKFest in September (http://okfestival.org/)

When: Wednesday 251March at 17:30 UTC/GMT
Location: Etherpad http://okfnpad.org/sciencewg-21Mar2012 and Skype (add
your Skype ID to the Etherpad and I'll bring you into the conference call)

Please add your name and Skype ID to the list of attendees on
Add anything you'd like to be discussed or new ideas to the agenda (even if
you can't make it yourself, just make sure you add enough details).

Hope to speak to some of you there!

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