[open-science] Has anybody ever heard about Quandl?

Daniel Graziotin dgraziotin at task3.cc
Wed Dec 18 07:30:04 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have recently received an e-mail containing an invitation to try out Quandl <http://www.quandl.com> and to provide some feedback.

The e-mail content was (basically) the following:

"[..] We have developed a platform for data tailored for researchers, and especially students.  
The site is open and free, and has over 8 million economic, demographic, social, and more time series datasets available for downloading.  
Importantly, the ease by which a user can find, trim, transform, merge, and download time series data from Quandl is -in my opinion- unmatched elsewhere. "

There was also a link to a page tailored for researchers, <http://www.quandl.com/academics>.

I have never heard about this before. There are no claims on the license of those datasets, only that:
"Every single public dataset on Quandl is and will always be, free and open to everyone. Our mission is to make the world's open data easy to find and easy to use."

Failing to commit to a CC license is worrying, and I read somewhere that they act as the intermediate to provide "the most fresh version of reliable datasets, directly from their source".

I am not sure what to think about this website. Therefore, I am doing the most reasonable thing I can do: I share this with you.

Your thoughts?

All the bests,

--Daniel Graziotin
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9107-7681

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