[open-science] What is Open Data? - input requested for website text

Michelle Brook michelle.brook at okfn.org
Mon May 19 10:40:23 UTC 2014

The comments so far have been incredible - thank you ever so much! I think
we're developing something much richer than the original website text.

Just to let people know that I'll sit down and try and incorporate these
comments on Wednesday. In the meantime, any further comments are gratefully
received - especially on 'How to publish data openly:


On 5 May 2014 19:46, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thank you Michelle - this is a great document to work from.
> I support the plea for contributions. As a co-founder I know the original
> principles need revising - they are a bit long winded and repetitive. I am
> a fan of short phrases that can go on T-shirts.
> Panton and OKF are an excellent example of how things work together.
> P.
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Michelle Brook <michelle.brook at okfn.org>wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> *Summary: I'd like input to help rewrite some pages for the Panton
>> Principles website, and am looking for expertise from this group to help
>> refine current draft text. Deadline 14 May*
>> I hope you are well. I'm in the process of updating the Panton website (
>> http://pantonprinciples.org/). It's been messy and not looked after for
>> a while - and I'm keen to turn it around.
>> Part of this will be generating more content for the site itself.  I'd
>> like to create a bit of a resource, including a few pages up talking about
>> 'what open data is', and another which talks about 'how to publish it'.
>> Basically an overview resource that explains what open data is (without
>> *too* much detail, but not being relevant only to the UK/EU/US), and
>> guidelines for people to think about when they are thinking about open data
>> more broadly.
>> I've drafted some text, but I would would appreciate some input from the
>> various experts in this working group. *If you want to be a named
>> contributor, please add your name to the bottom of the documents.*
>> What is open data in research:
>> https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1skVm2gR_2cGURdmwScXE3fAohXpAr9jVPPS8fn__2aI/edit#
>> How to publish data openly:
>> https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1ad2IBTioswbM9hOhy_fapMcf2j_gZxYJOKMjlVAC8mo/edit<https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1ad2IBTioswbM9hOhy_fapMcf2j_gZxYJOKMjlVAC8mo/edit#heading=h.w9dhw1os5l4e>
>> I've made it open so that everyone with access to the link can edit - but
>> if there are any disagreements about text others have written, it might be
>> better to comment first.
>> I know my text as it currently stands is quite dense (and there is lots
>> of it)  and not all of it currently flows. I hope to make these alterations
>> in the future - but any help received on that also would be appreciated!
>> I'm keen to make sure it's not just a UK/EU/US focus on it, so if there is
>> a perspective relevant to your country, please add a comment!
>> *Please make comments/edits by Wed 14 May. *
>> Michelle
>> --
>> * Michelle Brook*
>> * Science and Open Access*
>> *  | @MLBrook <https://twitter.com/MLBrook> *
>> * The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/> Empowering through
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> --
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader in Molecular Informatics
> Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-763069


*Michelle Brook*

*Science and Open Access*

* | @MLBrook <https://twitter.com/MLBrook>*

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