[open-science] Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology research topic on open science

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Tue Nov 11 08:30:05 UTC 2014

Hi All

Final call for people who would like to be involved as topic editors 
proposing an article collection on open science (in cell and developmental 
biology). So far our team are:

   - Sridhar Gutam (ICAR Research Centre for Eastern Region, Open Access 
   India, @gutam2000)
   - M Fabiana Kubke (University of Auckland, Advisory Panel Creative 
   Commons ANZ, @kubke)
   - David Johnson (Imperial College London, @NuDataScientist)

There 's room for another person (I'll be helping coordinate but I'm not 
qualified to be a Topic Editor so don't count towards the numbers). Email 
me or add your name to the wiki and we'll try and get together week 
beginning 17 Nov to discuss the scope of the topic. This should be an 
interesting opportunity for anyone who already has some editorial 
experience but would like to apply it to curating an interesting set of 
articles around open science.


On 4 November 2014 06:36, Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi All
> Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology are potentially interested in 
> hosting a research topic on open science (in cell and developmental 
> biology).
> Submissions would be open access and could combine to make an e-book. If 
> people think this would be a good thing, would anyone be  interested in 
> acting as a topic editor?
> I've set up a wiki page, so please add yourself if you're keen and we can 
> arrange a call: http://wiki.okfn.org/Open_Science/Projects/Frontiers
> More info on research topics are below.
> Thanks very much!
> Jenny
> Research Topics are a collection of original articles around a theme of 
> your choice. Articles are not invited, but instead carefully selected from 
> article proposals and rigorously peer-reviewed. If your Research Topic 
> publishes 10 or more articles, we will create a free open-access e-book 
> <http://www.frontiersin.org/books/all_books> from your Research Topic. 
> You can find further information on organizing a Research Topic, as well as 
> examples of Research Topics in your field, on our Research Topics 
> Guidelines <http://www.frontiersin.org/about/RTGuidelines>.
> *Depending on your academic and editorial expertise, you will be able to 
> participate in various ways.*
> Senior researchers can take on the task as Topic Editor ("Guest Associate 
> Editor"), essentially acting as handling editor for submitted manuscripts. 
> In our experience, the most successful Research Topics have a team of two 
> or three Topic Editors to share the editorial responsibilities. This team 
> must include at least one senior researcher (e.g. full Professor or 
> equivalent), and all Topic Editors must hold at least a PhD degree and have 
> a significant editorial experience.
> Those with less editorial experience can initiate Research Topics through 
> their ideas if they have the support of a senior scientist interested in 
> proposing and hosting the Topic (i.e. acting as Topic Editor). Their 
> participation would entitle them to a free article submission to the 
> Research Topic and the possibility of an acknowledgement in the Topic 
> description, as well as the corresponding e-book. Thus creating a network 
> between established scientists and the next generation of leading 
> researchers.
> While some article types are subject to publishing fees 
> <http://www.frontiersin.org/about/PublishingFees>, submissions to a 
> Research Topic receive a substantial discount. Moreover, waivers for these 
> fees are available in the case of need and a number Institutional 
> agreements are in place.

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