[open-science] Open Science Census

Fernanda Peset <mpesetm@upv.es> fernandapeset at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 18:08:28 UTC 2014

What interesting project! Very thanks, Richard

Following the Rayna`s suggestion I'm trying to detail my interest about the
openscience surveys (and their reports). Also, I'm very proud to inform to
the list that we will be at the 10th Digital Curation Center Infernational
Conference (http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc15) with a poster about that
issue: "Research data management in Spain: results from a DATASEA project

Our research group perform a survey that audits the status of researchers’
data and their behaviour. We were compiling different examples for doing
our questionnaire, and we have found some results for other regions. I
detail the reports (very different each other):

A. For studying researchers sector:
1. Parse insight project. www.parse-insight.eu.

2. DATARES project http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc228265/m/

3. Mossink, Wilma; Bijsterbosch ,Magchiel & Nortier, Joeri (2013). *European
Landscape Study of Research Data Management*. Utrecht: SURF, 2013

B. For libraries or mixed:

1. Tenopir, Carol; Birch, Ben & Allard, Suzie (2012). *Academic Libraries
and Research Data Services: Current Practices and Plans for the Future*.
Chicago: Association of College and Research.

2. *Online survey on scientific information in the digital age *(2012).

C. Developing (since I know):
1. Data sharing survey by Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0

2. Metrics for datasets by PLOS

3. Current Practices for Discovery of Research Data in Repositories by RDA
Alliance & ANDS

D. Other reports:

Council on Library and Information Resources (2013). *Research Data
Management: Principles, Practices, and Prospects.* Washington, D.C.: CLIR.

Beagrie, N. & Houghton, J. (2013). The value and impact of the Archaeology
data service. Charles Beagrie Ltd

Beagrie, N. & Houghton, J. (2014). The Value and Impact of Data Sharing and
Curation A synthesis of three recent studies of UK research data centres

We have compiled this information because we think that is the more
realistic way to know the statu quo in one region. I don't know if Open
Science Census is the best place to register them.

All the best,

Fernanda Peset
On behalf of Datasea research group

2014-11-28 13:25 GMT+01:00 Richard Akerman <scilib at gmail.com>:

> Just a note that in addition to the UNESCO country pages on Open Access
> http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/portals-and-platforms/goap/
> the OECD also gathers country data about Open Science.
> Here's an example of country reports from the 2012 Science, Technology
> and Innovation Indicators
> http://qdd.oecd.org/table.aspx?Subject=afecce53-45e3-4ef9-85f6-f3365ebc4ab2
> They also gathered this data for the 2014 STI report.
> In addition, the OECD did a specific Open Science Project that
> gathered more detailed country reports.
> The report hasn't been published yet, but is expected by early 2015.
> Project background:
> https://innovationpolicyplatform.org/open-science-oecd-project
> Presentation about the project by Giulia Ajmone Marsan at the Finnish
> Open Science and Research Forum on Nov 25, 2014
> http://video.helsinki.fi/Arkisto/tallenne.php?ID=20328
> (her presentation is from 34:45 to 48:10)
> If you want to experiment more with the OECD QDD database 2012
> indicators, the "topics" in the database are
>  D3-3 Open science
>  D3-3-1 Open access
>  D3-3-2 Open data
>  D3-3-3 Open collaboration
>  D3-3-4 ICT for open science and other
> and the interface is at
> http://qdd.oecd.org/subject.aspx?Subject=afecce53-45e3-4ef9-85f6-f3365ebc4ab2
> --
> Richard Akerman
> scilib at gmail.com
> http://scilib.typepad.com/
> Twitter: @scilib
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