[open-science] Open Science WG 2014 - Tasks and Team!

Stefan Kasberger mail at stefankasberger.at
Thu Jan 23 13:40:11 UTC 2014


I'm really interested in point 5+6, and already done some things in this.

  * workshop for students how to work the open way in science & research
    (scientific writing)sy
  * several documents to do courses with open source tools and open data
  * organized an course with 15 students on openscienceasap.org

My opinion is, that one of the key strategies must be to educate 
multiplicators, like teachers and trainees, to teach open methods on 
universities and in education. we should make it as easy as possible for 
them to use zotero or libre office and share it in an open format.

so would like to hear your experiences and see some other work on this. 
maybe an workshop/meetup at okfestival would be be a good idea.

cheers, stefan

On 2014-01-21 15:19, Jenny Molloy wrote:
> Dear All
> Thanks to those who joined in the meeting yesterday evening [1], we 
> discussed what the working group should focus on for 2014 and also 
> having a coordination team to make sure everything runs smoothly - a 
> special thanks to all those who volunteered to help out with this and 
> all those coordinating local groups and projects. We'd love your 
> feedback and suggestions on the ideas below or new projects you would 
> like to propose.
> *
> *
> *Open Science Working Group 2014 Projects* (followed by specific 
> activities/tasks and initial coordinators)
>  1. *Content-mining* (Puneet Kishor, Peter Murray-Rust, Ross Mounce)
>       * Case studies/awareness raising
>       * Workshops (inc. possibly one at OKFest)
>       * Interested in joining? There is a new mailing list [2]
>       * Look out for a separate call on this project
>  2. *Local groups* (Graham Steele)
>       * Expanding the number of open science ambassadors and local
>         groups.
>       * Local group starter kit (howto, mailing list, wiki, website,
>         visibility in global working group).
>       * Map and directory on WG website to help people find local open
>         science activities.
>  3. *Open Science Census* (Local groups)
>       * Mapping local open science landscape - relevant law and
>         policy, funding, initiatives, attitudes etc
>       * A Brazilian example
>         https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/Pesquisa:Ci%C3%AAncia_aberta_no_Brasil
>       * To be led by individuals or local groups - get in touch if you
>         are interested in writing and finding collaborators to work on
>         a report for your country!
>  4. *Open Science for Development* (Jenny Molloy)
>       * This year we were involved in a scoping project around open
>         science in the global South and will continue to engage in
>         community building and collaboration with the partners we
>         gained from that.
>  5. *Building Open Science Manuals *(Anyone interested in coordinating
>     this?)
>       * Improving English Wikipedia pages on Open Science
>       * Compiling resources e.g.
>         http://digitheadslabnotebook.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/guide-to-open-science.html
>       * Sharing knowledge from local groups e.g.
>         https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/Manual_de_Ciência_Aberta
>         <https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/Manual_de_Ci%C3%AAncia_Aberta>
>  6. *Open Science Training *(Anyone interested in coordinating this?)
>       * Panton Fellow Sophie Kay developed a fantastic training
>         initiative http://www.opensciencetraining.com/
>       * We would like to start a conversation and compile further open
>         materials for teaching aspects of open science or using open
>         science in teaching.
> *Working Group Coordination*
> Mailing list: Ross Mounce
> Blog Editors: Kathleen Luschek, Rayna St and Scott Edmunds
> Website and Social Media: Brian Glanz and Graham Steele
> Local Groups: Graham Steele
> WG and Advisory Board Meetings: Stefan Kasberger, Keren Limor, Suchith 
> Anand, Sridhar Gutam
> General Coordination: Jenny Molloy
> If anyone else would like to get involved, you are still welcome to 
> sign up on the volunteer sheet [3] - the more the merrier.
> Thanks very much and look out for communications from the new team 
> very soon, we are also hoping to see an overhaul of some of the 
> website features so it is much easier to add yourself as a working 
> group member and find others interested in open science in your area 
> or specialism!
> Jenny
> *
> *
> [1] Meeting padhttp://okfnpad.org/p/science-coord-20jan2014
> [2]**https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-contentmining
> [3] 
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtV3tIqIu0UZdHg0NDFkRy1POWhwQ2tsOEdTa2kyNlE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
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*Stefan Kasberger*
*E* mail at stefankasberger.at
*W* www.openscienceASAP.org
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