[open-science] Open Science Fringe Event - Berlin, 18 July
Jenny Molloy
jcmcoppice12 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 07:59:08 UTC 2014
Hi All
Massive thanks to Daniel Mietchen for finding us a space to meet on Fri 18
July for a post-OKFest open science event. This will be free and open to
all so do spread the word around any open science folk you know who will be
in the vicinity of Berlin.
We will be meeting at the Museum für Naturkunde
<http://www.naturkundemuseum-berlin.de/en/>, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115
Berlin, Germany. There will be dinosaurs!
We are limited to 25 people so do sign up on the wiki
<http://wiki.okfn.org/Open_Science/OKFest2014#Who.27s_going_to_OKFest> [1].
Currently we're up to 14 but not everyone has specified they are coming to
the fringe event so that is based on my personal knowledge - please add
'fringe' after your name if you're attending!
The morning will be a text and data mining workshop with hands on
activities run by the Content Mine <http://contentmine.org/> team. The
afternoon will be given over to you, the working group, to propose
suggestions and also free space to discuss and hack on ideas from OKFest.
*What would people like to see in the afternoon?*
There is an open development fringe event at Wikimedia on the same day and
they have added us for an afternoon session on open science for
development, so a small contingent from the open science event will hop on
a U-Bahn for 20 mins and engage in some cross working-group dialogue if
this interests you.
Other fringe events:
I am currently trying to organise a meet up with the Berlin Biohackers
If anyone has ideas for an open science themed social or trip then do let
us all know :)
[1] http://wiki.okfn.org/Open_Science/OKFest2014#Who.27s_going_to_OKFest
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