[open-science] New version of Open Knowledge Maps

Peter Kraker pkraker at openknowledgemaps.org
Fri Mar 24 16:18:27 UTC 2017

Hi Tom,

On 24/03/2017 05:36, Tom Morris wrote:
> Obviously "open knowledge" is a pretty generic phrase, but 
> OKF/OKFN/OKI/OKwhateverThey'reCallingThemselvesThisWeek is one of the 
> better known and more long established organizations using the phrase 
> as part of their name.
> What is the relationship of OKMaps to OK*?

Even though we are two different organizations, OKMaps and OK* are very 
good friends. OK-AT is partner of OKMaps (see [1]).

Personally, I developed the idea based on the outcomes of my PhD when I 
was a Panton Fellow of - back then - OKFN [2] and with mentoring from 
the Open Leaders program [3]. I am active within Open Knowledge as one 
of the community coordinators of the open science working group of OK-AT 

[1] https://openknowledgemaps.org/imprint
[2] https://pantonprinciples.org/panton-fellowships/
[3] http://open-leaders.com/
[4] https://okfn.at/themen/open-science/


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