[open-science] Workshop: The University Cooperative - Learning to manage academic resources as common property

Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca) B.M.R.Kramer at uu.nl
Fri Mar 29 13:56:50 UTC 2019

Dear all,

I'd like to bring to your attention an upcoming workshop in Utrecht, the Netherlands, that is being co-organized by Utrecht Young Academy<https://www.uu.nl/en/research/utrecht-young-academy>, Open Science Community Utrecht<https://openscience-utrecht.com>, and Waag<https://waag.org/en/home>. Might be interesting for at least some members of this list 😊

Workshop: The University Cooperative - Learning to manage academic resources as common property
May 14th, 10.00 - 17.00, Belle van Zuylenzaal, Academiegebouw, Utrecht.

Sharing resources, such as data, methods, publications, and the curriculum, is one of the foundations of university education and development. But today many academic resources such as subscriptions and the syllabus are managed in a rigid, bureaucratic way. Many users and producers of resources and knowledge lack the opportunity to express their wishes and highlight alternatives. This workshop will introduce you to the issues, the concepts, and successful examples of governing common resources. You will be involved in applying the concept of commons to concrete cases relevant to academia and knowledge creation, not just by listening, but by doing, together.

Confirmed talks:
• The fundamentals of commons applied to academia, Tine de Moor (Department of Social and Economic History, Utrecht University)
• Scholarly commons, Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman (FORCE11 Scholarly Commons Working Group and Utrecht University Library)
• Towards accepted behaviour change (ABC) in academia, Lars Tummers (School of Governance, Utrecht University)

Workshop moderator:
Socrates Schouten (Waag)

More info <https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenscience-utrecht.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D787e4912752f546d184064ec7%26id%3D64d0b2a2c3%26e%3D0deeaf03be&data=02%7C01%7C%7C9998c42b33c04b370e5608d6b1e361c7%7Cd72758a0a4464e0fa0aa4bf95a4a10e7%7C0%7C0%7C636891987490691922&sdata=EVOz7MX7vBQLgu%2BMhUsvE%2BVppnFwjb0n70Pbkd%2BoFMg%3D&reserved=0> here<https://openscience-utrecht.com/workshop-the-university-cooperative/>.

Sign up <https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenscience-utrecht.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D787e4912752f546d184064ec7%26id%3Da1699b472f%26e%3D0deeaf03be&data=02%7C01%7C%7C9998c42b33c04b370e5608d6b1e361c7%7Cd72758a0a4464e0fa0aa4bf95a4a10e7%7C0%7C0%7C636891987490691922&sdata=XCPQ05wA2JqRWrQS2Njb%2B2kOiGdoO2DMiwALivU0koc%3D&reserved=0> here<https://fd21.formdesk.com/universiteitutrecht/commons>.

kind regards,

101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication<http://101innovations.wordpress.com>
Bianca Kramer, PhD | Subject Specialist Life Sciences and Medicine | Utrecht University Library | Heidelberglaan 3 Utrecht NL-3584 CS | www.uu.nl/library<https://www.uu.nl/en/university-library> | b.m.r.kramer at uu.nl<mailto:b.m.r.kramer at uu.nl> | room G.01.503 UMC Utrecht | working days Thu-Fri | Twitter: @MsPhelps<http://twitter.com/@MsPhelps>
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