[open-sustainability] Avg breakdown of emissions per sector for companies does this exist anywhere?

Maya Forstater hiyamaya at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 14:29:32 UTC 2012

Chris .

There should be but there isn't, as far as I know!

The basic data of course you can get at from the CDP......


But then you need to decide on what the denominator is. If your sectors are
basic materials you can make it per tonne of output (e.g. steel, aluminium
etc..). But if it is a more diversified sector you need a financial
denominator for intensity.

Carbon emissions per $ revenue is not quite open source, but not hard to
find, but it is not a particularly meaningful metric for comparison.

More meaningful would be carbon tonnes per $ of value added. i.e.
tonnes/EBITDA ( see

I think Trucost may have crunched the data for this but that is not

If you do find out that there is an open data source for this let me know.
Otherwise I working on how to cook one up (if anyone is interested - get in

Maya Forstater

Mobile:   +44 (0) 7966676465
Skype:   Maya Forstater
Web:      www.hiyamaya.wordpress.com
Twitter:   MForstater

Maya Forstater
Email:     maya at zadek.net
Phone:   +44 (0)1727 833 200
Mobile:   +44 (0) 7966676465
Skype:   Maya Forstater
Web:      www.hiyamaya.wordpress.com
Twitter:   MForstater

On 3 December 2012 11:28, Chris Adams <chris.adams at amee.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Very specific question here:
> We know that certain industries are more carbon intensive than others
> instinctively (high end consulting tends to have lots of flying for
> example, and steel and aluminium uses lots of energy), but I'm wondering -
> does anyone know if there is any open data already published that you might
> build a dataset on top of, to make it easier to work out the footprint of a
> 'typical' company in a given sector?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
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