[open-sustainability] Recent Twitter highlights from @OpenSusty

Townsend J.H. J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 31 12:26:21 UTC 2013

Hi everyone

Just wanted to share some of the recent stories from the new Open Sustainability<https://twitter.com/OpenSusty> Twitter account. Open sustainability stories gratefully retweeted! Include @OpenSusty in your tweet.

@zararah: RT @UNDPEurasia: Any new energy cooperatives in your country? http://t.co/FflbcEu6CC #greenwednesday

@zararah: Check out the video from @okfde's recent Energy Hackday- nice work, @EnergyHackB! https://t.co/n4V9kS5lLc

@IEA: See our recent clean energy data visualisations http://t.co/jFnHF7hRcu #energy #data

@FOSSOffice: "Hacker ethic,openness & sustainability" http://t.co/hMHpRCHViE from TheOpenBook by @OKFN GR TR @vchryssos #opendata cc @zapico

“@JackTownsend_: #innovations that shift #electricity demand to off peak times? £50K prize! http://t.co/C7gPFeVvAc  #cleanweb #iot #smartcities #greenIT”

“@russferriday: Great talk by jessi baker and matt hussey of @provenanceLDN on using open data to help make informed purchasing choices. #cleanweb”

“@jessibaker: My slides on @provenanceLDN from last night's #cleanweb & #IoTLondon @meetup @arupgroup complete with speaker notes: http://t.co/KpFxuV1sc2”

“@SafetyDataGov: From #Sustainability to #CleanEnergy, there’s an app for that! 42 #GreenApps are powered by @EPAgov #OpenData http://t.co/JD5J43joSz”

[cid:558F0797-8165-4154-880B-E31163FD8014 at soton.ac.uk]


Web, Open Data & Sustainability University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ <https://twitter.com/JackTownsend_>  jack at jacktownsend.net<mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net>
+44 7934 508 661

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