[open-sustainability] OKCon - call for proposals DEADLINE TOMORROW

Townsend J.H. J.Townsend at soton.ac.uk
Thu May 30 14:36:05 UTC 2013

The OKCon Open Knowledge conference in Geneva later in the year is accepting proposals, deadline tomorrow.  Open Development and Sustainability is the second major conference theme, so do submit proposals for

  *   talk (10-20 minutes)
  *   lightning talk (5 minutes)
  *   workshop (3 hours maximum)
  *   satellite event

Deadline tomorrow!



Web & Sustainability University of Southampton

@JackTownsend_ <https://twitter.com/JackTownsend_>  jack at jacktownsend.net<mailto:jack at jacktownsend.net>
+44 7934 508 661

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joris Pekel <joris.pekel at okfn.org<mailto:joris.pekel at okfn.org>>
Subject: [Wg-coord] OKCon - call for proposals launched
Date: 9 May 2013 05:17:01 GMT-05:00
To: <wg-coord at lists.okfn.org<mailto:wg-coord at lists.okfn.org>>

Hi all,

I saw this circulated already in many Working group mailing lists, but if you have not seen it yet: OKCon now accepts your proposals!


Note that the organisational setup of OKCon is slightly different than last years OKFestival (which is basically a different event). I hope to see many of you talking about your great work in Geneva!

All the best,


p.s: The OKFestival with its more bottum up approach will return in 2014 and you are all very much invited to contribute to make this an even bigger success than last years.
Joris Pekel
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Wg-coord mailing list
Wg-coord at lists.okfn.org<mailto:Wg-coord at lists.okfn.org>

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