[open-sustainability] Open Food Network project

Paul Mackay paul at folklabs.com
Tue Jul 15 06:57:40 UTC 2014

Open Food Network is an online marketplace that makes it easier to find,
buy and sell local sustainable food. We think it has huge potential to
build a better food system from the ground up.  It's a network of
independent online food stores that connect farmers and food hubs with
individuals and local businesses. It gives farmers and food hubs an easier
and fairer way to distribute their food. It is managed by the Open Food
Foundation, an Australian charity created to collaborate on this and other
open food related projects.

OFN is open source and support for open data is planned. It would be very
helpful to hear from this group what the current best practice around open
data for food is, particularly as it relates to local food networks. Rafael
Schouten (one of the Australian core dev team) and myself will be at OKFest
so please get in touch for a chat :)

Also the project is currently running a crowdfunding campaign
http://startsomegood.com/openfoodnetwork - any support or promotion would
be much appreciated!




@pmackay | 07761050542 | folklabs.com
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