[Open-transport] Public Transport at OKCon

Hannes Gassert hannes at opendata.ch
Thu Aug 1 16:11:18 UTC 2013

Hi everybody,

Turns out that without actually planning for it, public transport seems to
become quite a prominent topic at OKCon this year!

Here's what's on the schedule:

Tuesday Evening
Urbandatachallenge.org panel & exhibition opening, with the transportation
agencies of San Francisco, Geneva and Zurich - and the launch of next
year's challenge, with Paris, with Berkeley, and with sensor networks. And

Wednesday Morning
Panel & workshop with the Geneva transport agency, TPG, launching their
real-time API and a big contest all around it. Sounds like a fun challenge,
and a potential quick win, too :)

Wednesday Afternoon
"Open Transport Data: the next step" with Pieter Colpaert from Ghent and
Kat Borlongan, (Five by Five, data.sncf.com, ..) all around interop,
standardization and collaboration in the open transport data space. Super
important, not to miss - and another milestone after last year's manifesto.

HackZone & Lightning Talks
For the entire duration of OKCon, there's plenty of possibilities to
present your projects (just add your name to the schedule on site!) and to
come together and get stuff done in the Hackzone. We'll have the most
stable conference wifi ever and plenty of space indeed.

Therefore: please forward this message to your local transport hackers and
data folks at your transportation agency! If you know some people from your
region that are going to be there, or that should: take a train together,
come to Geneva and work on your projects while on the move! Or if you need
more speed: there's cheap flights to Geneva from almost all over Europe.

So.. see you at OKCon! And thanks for spreading the word!

PS: Running a startup? Get the OKCon startup package!
-> http://okcon.org/introducing-the-okcon-startup-package <-

Opendata.ch - Enabling Open Government Data in Switzerland
Hannes Gassert // Founding Board Member
+41 78 663 11 09 // hannes.gassert at opendata.ch
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