[Open-transport] Hafas Raw Data Format to GTFS conversion (Zürich)

Hannes Gassert hannes at gassert.ch
Tue May 28 13:43:01 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Stefan Wehrmeyer <stefan.wehrmeyer at okfn.org
> wrote:

> apparently Swiss law makes it possible to get an electronic copy of all
> public transport timetables.

If only everybody would agree on that :)

I can put you in contact with the person who talked to the agency to
> provide the data.

That would be lovely, we're working on a follow-up to urbandatachallenge.orgfor
okcon.org that involves the VBZ, so coordination is in order (for that the
Geneva is also going to open their realtime API).

Cheers from Berlin Mitte,

Hannes Gassert  |  http://gassert.ch  |  +41 78 663 11 09
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