[open-visualisation] British Library / Oxford Internet Institute seminar on search technologies

Alastair Dunning a.dunning at jisc.ac.uk
Wed Jun 18 15:34:03 UTC 2008

Dear All, 
There are still a few places available at this seminar, looking and past
and future technologies for search mechanisms, at the British Library
next week; members of the group may be interested in attending.

Blurb about the seminar is below and the timetable is attached.

Register via sending an email to events at oii.ox.ac.uk 


Alastair Dunning
JISC Digitisation Programme Manager
t: 0203 006 6065

JISC Office (1st Floor)
Brettenham House (South Entrance)
5 Lancaster Place
London WC2E 7EN



'Search!' is the third event in the 2007- 2008 Oxford Internet Surveys
(OxIS) discussion seminars series. Previous events included 'The Links
between social exclusion and digital disengagement', and the 'Social
Networking Conference'.

The different sessions that make up this day long event will discuss the
past, present and future of searching for information and content.
Social science and technological approaches are used to look at this
topic from the perspective of both the producers and the users of
searchable content. There will be four 30 minutes sessions, each with 10
minute presentations and 20 minute discussions of the topics. After two
sessions longer sessions are planned in which broader issues in relation
to research and developments in the area of search will be discussed.
The first discussion session will address current issues and the second
session, after lunch, will focus on what we can say and want to say
about the future of Search



From: OII Events [mailto:events at oii.ox.ac.uk] 
Sent: 17 June 2008 15:15
To: Events

Dear colleague, 


The Search! event at the British Library is now only a week away, so
please find the finalized agenda attached. 


I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you have dietary or
mobility requirements so that we can make any necessary preparations for
the day. 

I'd also be grateful if you could let me know if you will be unable to


I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 


Best wishes, 


Dr Ellen Helsper

Research Fellow 

Oxford Internet Institute

1 St Giles




Tel.  01865 287210

Fax. 01865 287211



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