[openbiblio-dev] Simplest possible (useful) way to enrich data like the British Libraries

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Dec 1 13:41:30 UTC 2010

I've just forwarded Jonathan's email about improvements to bibliographica [1]

At this point it is worth asking: what is the simplest possible way to
enable general users to enrich data like the BL's? (And bearing in
mind the link don't copy if possible principle put forward in [2]).

My 2 cents:

* tagging - very easy to do in non-intrusive way
* flagging (i.e. simple tags plus flags for errors -- is this better
than users correcting directly?)


[1]: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/openbiblio-dev/2010-December/000104.html
[2]: http://blog.okfn.org/2010/11/29/open-bibliographic-data-how-should-the-ecosystem-work/

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