[openbiblio-dev] suggesting regular meetings

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Aug 16 15:00:06 UTC 2011

On 15 August 2011 13:05, Mark MacGillivray <mark.macgillivray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hello open biblio people,
> I would like to suggest some more regular meetings for the working
> group. Perhaps every two weeks. These could be open to anyone wishing
> to join in.

I think we should distinguish general working group meeting (monthly)
and some 'dev' meetings which could occur more frequently e.g. every 2

> Adrian already usually organises meetings on the first Tuesday of
> every month - would it be worth having another meeting that week over
> and above that? Or should we just add another say in the middle of
> each month? What would people prefer?

I'd suggest not. Rather, I'd propose a 30m 'dev' meeting either before
or after that main meeting. One can then run one other dev meeting in
the month 2-weeks offset from the main meeting.

> Perhaps a meeting this week to discuss would be useful for those
> interested? If so I propose we talk on Wednesday 17th August at 1600
> UK time (currently GMT + 1).

I'll aim to make this.


> Please let us know if what you think of this idea, and let me know if
> you want to attend on Wednesday, and I will initiate a call then.
> Mark MacGillivray
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