[openbiblio-dev] BNB 'export' from bibliographica - how about a conversion instead?

Ben O'Steen bosteen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 13:15:08 UTC 2011

A while ago, I'd prepared a script to convert the BNB original data,
into something usable, breaking up birth/death dates, giving hashed
URIs to authors and so on. The output from this code does somewhat
look like the RDF held in bnb.bibliographica, but the hashes are
altered (changed into sameas uris with a less unique number to enable
linkage across records based on just name and dates) and I recall
something being done to the issue dates, ISBNs and also the removal of
the legacy DC namespace, which was being used to house a more semantic
date structure (as dcterms:issued had be unhelpfully constrained to
only allowing literals)

If I could understand what the changes were, we could adapt the script
to do a conversion of the original data into a form as we might expect
from an export of the live system in short order.


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