[openbiblio-dev] 3lib.org AMF data

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Tue Nov 29 17:10:26 UTC 2011

  David John Evans writes

> I found the AMF -> OAI-DC stylesheet at
> http://amf.openlib.org/tools/amf2oai_dc.xsl

  That was written for RePEc data.

> and I wondered if you had a stylesheet for transforming to MODS?
> There's a link to 'XSLT scripts' on http://3lib.org which
> (tantalisingly) leads nowhere :)

  I have fixed this and other broken links at http://3lib.org that went
  to datasets that I had to withdraw because of disk space restrictions
  on the OKFN rented box.

  Since you have rsync acess, you will find the xslt in mamf at wotan:xslt.

  A converter to MODS is not there, as far as I remember.


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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