[openbiblio-dev] [pd-discuss] Bibliographic Metadata Guide

Primavera De Filippi primavera.defilippi at okfn.org
Tue Oct 11 15:04:36 UTC 2011

Hi Karen and Jim,
thanks a lot - this is a very useful contribution to the guide !
following our discussion last week, I believe it would be useful to
reorganize the guide as following:

*** Section I will determine key elements needed for discovery,
identification, location, and deduplication = Identify minimal & full
metadata elements (best practices) for every type of work - but let's
start with texts for now!  :)
I have added your contribution to the pad -

Once we identified the proper metadata elements, we need to choose how
we want to represent them, which depends (a) on the exchange format
and (2) on the metadata format of choice.

*** Section II will analyze the state of the art in terms of currently
available standards and their different fields of application (who
uses what): http://openbiblio.okfnpad.org/metadata-art
which could probably be merged together with
*** Section III that identifies the pros/cons of the most popular
standards concerning bibliographic works:

*** Section IV, where we should present our conclusions /
recommendations on what we consider to be the most appropriate
standard(s) for the purpose of open bibliography:

As suggested during the conf-call, it would be nice if the latter
could be framed in the form of a decision-tree, where data providers
can answer simple questions in order to find out what is the best
exchange format and metadata format for them.

Thus far, we need people to contribute on Section I, in order to
review and complement Karen & Jim's list of minimum & full metadata
elements, but also to address the list of open issues that are listed
at the end of the pad.

Section II and III are pretty comprehensive at the moment, although we
might need some additional information concerning the last part (who
uses what)

whereas Section IV is still to be started !

Looking forward to your input ..   :)


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Karen Coyle <kcoyle at kcoyle.net> wrote:
> Attached is a fairly short text file with a start at a set of goals and data
> elements, plus a number of questions (there are always questions :-)). This
> is not supposed to be complete -- it's a starting point for discussion. Note
> that we haven't mentioned any particular metadata schema or serialization --
> yet. I'm thinking that we should consider the needs first, and then look for
> possible solutions.
> Primavera, the main question for you is: does this capture the general
> metadata goals for your project? Is this close to what you were thinking?
> I'm also hoping that we can tackle this incrementally, perhaps dealing with
> the primary data elements first, then adding enhancements as we find folks
> who have that data to provide.
> kc
> Quoting Primavera De Filippi <primavera.defilippi at okfn.org>:
>> Hi all,
>> just a quick reminder that we'll be having a Bibliographic Metadata
>> Guide skype call today at 16:00 GMT + 1
>> If you are interested and available for the call, please put your
>> skype id on the following pad: http://openbiblio.okfnpad.org/bibguide
>> Thanks !
>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Karen Coyle <kcoyle at kcoyle.net> wrote:
>>> For those of us on the West Coast, that is 7 a.m. I'm used to that, but
>>> can't speak for others.
>>> kc
>>> Quoting Primavera De Filippi <primavera.defilippi at okfn.org>:
>>>> ok, what about 15:00 GMT then?
>>>> I hope this can suits the americans too !
>>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:49 PM, William Waites <ww at styx.org> wrote:
>>>>> Oh GMT. This time of year we are GMT +1 i believe. Which means that's
>>>>> too
>>>>> late... I can do afternoon ... But not after "standard" business
>>>>> hours...
>>>>> Mark MacGillivray <mark at odaesa.com> a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi primavera,
>>>>>> I can make that time.
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Primavera De Filippi
>>>>>> <primavera.defilippi at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi William,
>>>>>>> we would actually love you to attend, so maybe let's try and do it on
>>>>>>> Friday 7th October, 16:00 GMT ?
>>>>>>> Everyone, please confirm your availability, thanks !
>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:11 PM, William Waites <ww at styx.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "pdp" == Primavera De Filippi <primavera.defilippi at okfn.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> writes:
>>>>>>>>    pdp> Ok, given that many people cannot make it tomorrow, what
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>    pdp> next week, Thursday 6th October, 16:00 GMT ?
>>>>>>>> Primavera, I can almost never make Thursdays.  If you would like
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> attend (and I would like to) MWF work for me, but Wednesday earler
>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>> 16h00 as that clases with another working group.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> -w
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
>>>>>>>> http://river.styx.org/ww/        <sip:ww at styx.org>
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>>>> openbiblio-dev mailing list
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>>> --
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> kcoyle at kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
>>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>> skype: kcoylenet
> --
> Karen Coyle
> kcoyle at kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
> ph: 1-510-540-7596
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

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