[OpenDesign] introducing Meemoo

Forrest Oliphant forrest at sembiki.com
Mon Apr 9 13:58:19 UTC 2012

Hello all,

My thesis project is http://meemoo.org/ , a framework for hackable web
apps. The research goal is extending the hackability of open-source
software to non-coders. The thesis text is available here:
http://forresto.com/files/ForrestOliphant-MeemooThesis-web.pdf . I'll
defend on May 2nd.

I have a couple of areas that I'd like to explore where this group's
input would be helpful:
* Connecting data sources to make hackable data visualizations.
* Connecting these web apps to open hardware.

I'm currently looking for a home for the project so I can to continue
working on it full-time. Any tips would be appreciated.

Forrest Oliphant


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