[OpenDesign] introducing:

Kat Braybrooke kat.braybrooke at okfn.org
Thu May 24 10:42:05 UTC 2012

Hi Anna-Lisa,

Thanks for the introduction - was nice to meet you in Tallinn! A question -
as a designer in the region, what do you usually use to find new freelance
work? Is there some central network, or is it mostly based on personal
contacts? Seems that this works a bit differently in each region of the
world, so would be interested to hear about what it's like in Estonia as a
designer (especially one interested in openness and free access!)

:) Kat

| Kat Braybrooke | Community Coordinator
| Local Chapters and OKFestival
| Open Knowledge Foundation | London
| OKFN.org <http://okfn.org/> | Twitter

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:57 PM, anna-liisa unt <annaliisale at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> this is Anna-Liisa, a new interested member on the list whom Kat and
> Massimo picked up at the Free City workshop in Tallinn.
> At this point Open Design seems to be the next big thing to upgrade what I
> do.
> It is a bit difficult to succeed as a designer in such a small country
> like Estonia, unless you are seriously in to marketing (which I'm not). OD
> seems to promise possibilities to share designs globally and thus find a
> decent amount of clients.
> I'm a freelance landscape architect + PhD student/lecturer at the Estonian
> University of Life Sciences. As it was also discussed at one of the
> workshops in Tallinn - OD is very challenging in architecture. So I'm super
> exited in where this could take me.
> Cheers,
> Anna-Liisa.
> PS: non-coder!
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