[Open Design + Hardware] Introducing the "Chuff-a-thon"

Jorge Toledo jortogar at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 20:58:05 UTC 2013

I like the idea of making it as a physical mascot, like building, sewing or
knitting it and then releasing the patterns to the wild :)

2013/12/6 Christian Villum <villum at autofunk.dk>

> Even better then :)
> Hope there are people out there who'd be up for help putting this idea
> more firmly together!
> -Christian
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Speaking with some mix of WG hat and Open Knowledge Foundation leadership
>> hat, I'd say you don't need Open Knowledge Foundation leadership on board
>> for the mascot - our mascot should be whatever the network wants :)
>> NB: Mascot of the open knowledge network isn't the same as the Open
>> Knowledge Foundation brand - both can and will exist :)
>> Hope that helps,
>> Laura
>> On 5 December 2013 09:34, Christian Villum <villum at autofunk.dk> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Yes, I actually remember that from colleagues (disclaimer: I also work
>>> for OKF with other stuff, but volunteer for this working group). The
>>> discussions we've had this time around (us being me, Primavera and Kat) was
>>> to perhaps give it a twist - for instance by having this be a hardware
>>> competition, in which the brief is to build Chuff out of physical
>>> materials, then submit a photograph and/or create graphical representation
>>> which could then potentially become the actual mascot later on.
>>> Once fully conceptionalized we would need to get OKF leadership on board
>>> for the mascot bit, but for now we just wanted to see if anyone would be up
>>> for helping frame the concept of the competition (could be something
>>> completely different than what is outlined above) and create a fun, shared
>>> project for our working group.
>>> Any input is welcome! And I'm hoping we can put together a small group
>>> around the idea?
>>> -Christian
>>> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Chris Sakkas <sanglorian at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> Did you know that there was a competition to design a Chuff logo about
>>>> this time last year? It only got one entry (mine), so they decided to hold
>>>> off for another time.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chris
>>>> *Chris Sakkas**Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki
>>>> <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/> and the Living Libre blog
>>>> <http://www.livinglibre.com> and Twitter feed
>>>> <https://twitter.com/#%21/living_libre>.*
>>>> On 5 December 2013 02:05, Christian Villum <villum at autofunk.dk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> As you probably know, the Open Knowledge Foundation has a mascot,
>>>>> Chuff, pictured here:
>>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/okfn/8019235389/in/photostream/
>>>>> He is a sweet little Okapi that loves loves open knowledge.
>>>>> But here is the rub: The fluffy little thing on the picture is a
>>>>> trademark design, so we started talking about the need to figure out what
>>>>> Chuff would look like if he was redesigned under open terms. In other words
>>>>> - Chuff needs to be open!
>>>>> Maybe we could put together a design competition?
>>>>> Would anyone here be interested in helping put something like that
>>>>> together? It could potentially be called "The Chuff-a-thon"...!
>>>>> -Christian
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