[OpenDesign] Institute of Making is opening in London - but how open?

Kat Braybrooke kat.braybrooke at okfn.org
Mon Jan 28 10:04:36 UTC 2013

Hello Heloisa,

Thanks for your thoughts re: the blog post - would be interested to hear
more about your National Association for Fab Labs. There are others here
(attn Primavera, Peter!) who are also working to unite Fab Labs across
borders - is an important topic to be focusing on as we work to promote
openness in our respective nations.


| Kat Braybrooke | Twitter @kat_braybrooke<http://twitter.com/kat_braybrooke>

| Community Manager, Local Groups <http://okfn.org/local>
| Co-Founder, Open Design <http://design.okfn.org> Working Group
| The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Heloisa Neves.com <
contactme at heloisaneves.com> wrote:

> Kat, I really liked the post and I think that lot of spaces like that and
> even Fab Labs are not as open as they should be. In Brazil we have the same
> problem. The Fab Labs started few months ago but the rules to use aren´t so
> open. We have now a Fab Lab National Association to disseminate the
> principles and practices of a Fab Lab and help at the open of new labs and
> we are working hard with this question.
> Heloisa
> 2013/1/25 Kat Braybrooke <kat.braybrooke at okfn.org>
>> Hello Open Design collaborators,
>> I've just published a post on the newly-redesigned Open Design blog about
>> the Institute of Making in London. In this post, I pose a few questions
>> about the level of openness at the centre, which says it is aiming to
>> become a public space for research and fabrication in the city's centre:
>> bit.ly/WlfmxS <http://t.co/mvaaBVNL>
>> Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this (and if any of you in
>> London and feel like coming along to the opening, that would be great
>> too!).
>> Also (I'll send a more detailed email about this next week), if anyone
>> here has pieces they'd like to publish or cross-post regarding open design,
>> fabrication, making or hardware, please let us know. We'd love to highlight
>> your ideas on the new blog.
>> Kat
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> | Kat Braybrooke | Twitter @kat_braybrooke<http://twitter.com/kat_braybrooke>
>> | Community Manager, Local Groups <http://okfn.org/local>
>> | Co-Founder, Open Design <http://design.okfn.org> Working Group
>> | The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
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> --
> *Heloisa Neves*
> PhD student - Open Design | Universidade de São Paulo + Univerisdad de
> Sevilla
> heloisaneves.comheloisaneves.com
> Fab Lab Sevilla Team
> www.fablabsevilla.us.eswww.fablabsevilla.us.es
> mobile:
> Spain  +34 603568217
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