[Open Design & Hardware] Partial scholarships opportunities - Master in Interaction Design SUPSI

Kat Braybrooke kat.braybrooke at gmail.com
Fri May 31 11:58:43 UTC 2013

Sounds like a great programme - thanks for this, Serena!


hi, i'm: @kat_braybrooke <http://twitter.com/kat_braybrooke> | find me at:
currently hacking popular culture at: mozilla <http://webmaker.org>
otherwise, i do: open design <http://design.okfn.org/> | the open

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Serena Cangiano
<serenacangiano at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear all,
> i share with you the information about two new partial scholarships
> opportunities offered to students applying for the edition 2013/2014 of
> Master in Interaction Design SUPSI, www.maind.supsi.ch
> The application period is already closed, but the coordinators decided to
> open two more places.
> Since the program includes some specific courses on Open Design and it
> officially embraced the open culture by including a "mandatory" sharing
> process of the student projects (see here the infographics here (
> http://www.maind.supsi.ch/wp-content/downloads/MasterID-Infographics2013-2014.pdf),
> i hope this news is a good information to be shared in this group.
> Find the call below and thanks for sharing.
> Serena
> ***
> *2 partial scholarships available for the Master of Advanced Studies in*
> *Interaction Design at SUPSI, Switzerland - edition 2013/2014*
> SUPSI is pleased to offer 2 partial scholarships for its Master of
> Advanced Studies in Interaction Design that starts in September 2013.
> There are still two positions available for prospective students
> who want to pursue a career as interaction designers.
> The scholarships are awarded upon the evaluation of portfolios and CVs.
> Winners of the scholarships are entitled to a reduction in the tuition
> fees, worth 5’000.– CHF each
> Application Deadline: 21 June.
> The MAS in Interaction design is a full-time two semesters
> interdisciplinary programme co-ordinated by SUPSI: www.maind.supsi.ch <
> http://www.maind.supsi.ch/>
> The teaching staff includes professors and researchers both from
> SUPSI, invited professors from external universities as well as
> professionals and entrepreneurs of the interaction design field. The
> programme also includes contributions from industrial partners such as
> Arduino, Le Cirque du Soleil, Experentia, Societing, Tiscali, Plug and
> Wear, Ex Machina etc.
> The MAS in Interaction Design combines design, new media, programming
> and physical computing in one study program addressing the creation of
> projects in which the interaction between the design culture and the
> technological development allows to generate design driven
> innovations.
> The program is organized in four modules:
> (1) Interaction design fundamentals;
> (2) Designing Advanced Artifacts;
> (3) Designing Advanced Environment and Services;
> (4) Project thesis development and demonstration.
> Each module releases 15 ECTS. Students can apply for just one module
> as a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) course.
> Scholarships are available upon the evaluation of portfolio and CV.
> There would be emphasis on creative students with a strong interest in
> topics and activities concerning the technological, social, cultural
> context within which the future will be designed.
> For questions, please contact master.mid at supsi.ch
> *Website:* http://www.maind.supsi.ch/program-overview/
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