[Open Design + Hardware] NASA Space Apps challenge

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Sat Oct 12 09:10:10 UTC 2013


Jarkko in Finland is involved in this and looking for others who might be
interested - there's open hardware involved!

Details below.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jarkko Moilanen <jarkko.moilanen at hermiagroup.fi>
Date: 11 October 2013 09:37
Subject: OKF and Space Apps Challenge
To: Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org>

Hi Laura,

My name is Jarkko Moilanen and one of the Open Knowledge Foundation
Finland "activists". Currently I manage open data activities and
community development in Pirkanmaa region (paid post by Hermia Ltd).

I'm also organizing national level event called Spaceship 2014. Our
event is part of annual NASA driven Space Apps Challenge event.

I was co-organizer in the 2013 Spaceship event in Tampere, which
gathered around 250 entrepreneurs, space specialists from national
organizations and community developers. This year our event will be
national in co-operation with Helsinki and Turku. This year we will have
more partners and sponsors such as LinkedIn and Google to mention a few.
Event in Finland will be taken to Baltic Sea cruise ship :)

I was wondering if OKF would like to be part of this kind open data (and
open source/hardware) driven activities since NASA is pushing their data
to open data as well. OKF could use the network around the globe to
participate at local level.



Jarkko Moilanen,
Community Manager,
Open Data TRE,
045 8877 150
Hermia Group on luotettava ja toimiva, tämän päivän yritysten ja
organisaatioiden tarpeisiin palvelutuotteillaan vastaava
Hermia Groupin muodostavat Innovaatio Oy Uusi Tehdas ja Tuotekehitys Oy


Dr Laura James

CEO  | skype: laura.james  |  @LaurieJ <https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>

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