[Open Design + Hardware] CfP Fab12

Dr. Peter Troxler trox at fabfolk.com
Tue Apr 26 20:36:15 UTC 2016

Dear colleagues -- the response to our call for submissions for the Fab12 research paper stream which we set out through the usual in-group channels is somewhat below expectations. Given the current rate of submissions, we're not able to maintain the momentum--which would be a shame.

I am therefore extending the call to people outside the primary target audience of  key Fab Lab people...please indicate on submission that you need a registration code for the conference.

Call for papers: Fab12 research papers stream

Submission deadline 7 May 2016 -- abstracts of max. 200 words
Submission URL https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fab12
Call text:
Topic of the Research Papers Stream is Fab 2.0 -- papers can come in the following categories:
- Architecture 
- Arts
- Business 
- DIY bio
- Education
- Technology

PS> you'll find the links to proceedings from earlier confrerences at http://fablabinternational.org

/ Peter

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