[Openglam_members] International Benchmark Study on Open Data and Crowdsourcing among GLAMs

Estermann Beat beat.estermann at bfh.ch
Tue Nov 26 16:39:33 UTC 2013

Excellent. Glad to have the US on board!


From: Sarah Stierch [mailto:sarah.stierch at gmail.com]
Sent: Montag, 25. November 2013 20:31
To: Estermann Beat
Cc: <openglam_members at lists.okfn.org> (openglam_members at lists.okfn.org); osamadre at hotmail.com; terburg at wikimedia.nl; maarten at mdammers.nl; mbrinkerink at beeldengeluid.nl; am.fitzgerald at qut.edu.au; ritter at netvigator.com; sebastian.wallroth at wikimedia.de; mathias.schindler at wikimedia.de; barbara.fischer at wikimedia.de; christoph.braun.de at gmail.com; iolanda at pensa.it; Merete.Sanderhoff at smk.dk; samat78 at gmail.com; susanna.anas at wikimedia.fi; kawecka at innemuzeum.pl
Subject: Re: [Openglam_members] International Benchmark Study on Open Data and Crowdsourcing among GLAMs

Thanks Beat,

I added myself as the US contact, as I noticed you didn't have any United States contact.

Unless, of course, the United States is not being included in this report  (and for all we know..that could be the case).

I, personally, as a volunteer, have been working on developing my own survey for US institutions about OpenGLAM (status of openness of their institution, participation/interest in programs like Wikimedia partnerships, etc.) so this might be able to cover that.. :)


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Estermann Beat <beat.estermann at bfh.ch<mailto:beat.estermann at bfh.ch>> wrote:
Dear all,

A couple of weeks ago I was re-contacted by Dorota Kawęcka from Centrum Cyfrowe<http://centrumcyfrowe.pl/english/>, who is planning to replicate the Swiss GLAM survey in Poland,.

This reminded me that we should take the idea of carrying out an international benchmark study on open data and crowdsourcing among GLAMs a step further towards concretization.

So I sat down and drafted a concept for the internationalization of the survey:

Please have a look and leave your comments if you are (still) interested in helping with this survey.

Furthermore, I would suggest that we hold a kick-off meeting in December or early next year in order to coordinate the next steps.
The meeting can take place online; please fill in the doodle poll to indicate your time preferences by the end of this week: http://www.doodle.com/398megi5d32pfnrv

I’m sending this message to the OKFN OpenGLAM working group mailing list as well as to all those of you who have indicated that they might be interested in replicating the survey in their country or that they are likely to be able to establish contact to people who are. If you are aware of anybody else who might be interested in replicating the study in their country please let me and them know!

Kind regards,
Beat Estermann

Beat Estermann
Research Associate
Berne University of Applied Sciences
E-Government Institute
Morgartenstrasse 2a
Postfach 305
CH-3000 Bern 22
beat.estermann at bfh.ch<mailto:beat.estermann at bfh.ch>
Phone +41 31 848 34 30<tel:%2B41%2031%20848%2034%2030>
Phone (direct number) +41 31 848 34 38<tel:%2B41%2031%20848%2034%2038>
Fax +41 31 848 34 31<tel:%2B41%2031%20848%2034%2031>

openglam_members mailing list
openglam_members at lists.okfn.org<mailto:openglam_members at lists.okfn.org>

Sarah Stierch
Museumist, open culture advocate, and Wikimedian
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