[Openglam_members] Follow-up: Wikimania Presentation of OpenGLAM

Estermann Beat beat.estermann at bfh.ch
Wed Jul 23 18:18:48 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Given the feedback received, I would suggest the following structure/content for our Wikimania session on OpenGLAM:

Joris: Presentation of the International OpenGLAM Working Group: Who are we? what do we want to achieve? What are our activities / mode of functioning? How to join? (5 minutes)

Maarten: Short overview of OpenGLAM activities in the Netherlands. Focus on OpenGLAM Master Classes.

Helene: Short account of initialization of OpenGLAM working group in Germany. Focus on Cultural Data Hackathon.

Beat: Short overview of OpenGLAM activities in Switzerland. Focus on the pilot GLAM survey and follow-up activity based on list of institutions. Short presentation of the OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey. How to join the survey?

Please prepare your slides based on the template in the attachment and send them to me by August 7, so I can assemble them.
Keep your presentations short and concise. Max. 5-7 minutes!

The session itself takes place on 9 August, during the last 30 minutes of the 11:30 - 13:00 slot.

I would suggest that we structure our "focus" part (i.e. Master Classes; Hackathon; survey follow-up activity) according to the structure used on the following-page: https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Evaluation_of_GLAM-Outreach_Activities , namely:

-       Description

-       Positive outcomes/outputs

-       Indicators of success

-       Typical challenges

-       Best practices
This will give us a chance to update that page...

N.B.: Unfortunately, no one from the Catalan team will be able to attend; neither will Sanna/Laura from the Finnish team. @Maarten: Please let me know if it works out for you. If not, we will ask Susanna Anäs whether she could present the Finnish activities, with a special focus on the Master Classes.
I refrained from inviting Bekka Kahn to present the open coalition project within this session in order to keep things focused.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!


From: Estermann Beat
Sent: Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014 13:52
To: <openglam_members at lists.okfn.org> (openglam_members at lists.okfn.org); glam_survey_coordination at openglam.ch
Subject: Wikimania: Presentation of OpenGLAM

Dear all,

Our Wikimania submission focusing on the OpenGLAM working group has been accepted - but with a change in length and type.
Instead of organizing a workshop we can give a series of presentations from various countries:

As laid out in the session description, I would suggest that we give the priority to countries where various organizations cooperate to promote OpenGLAM.
There are 5-7 minutes slots for 4 countries. Each country could give a short overview of their overall approach and present one of their "highlights".

Does that make sense? - Who would like to present their country's approach? Please indicate what "highlight" you would like to focus your presentation on!

@Joris/Lieke: Would one of you be ready to give a short presentation of the international OpenGLAM working group at the beginning of the session? (I guess we could shortly mention the OpenGLAM Benchmark survey project as part of this presentation).

Kind regards,

Beat Estermann
Research Associate
Berne University of Applied Sciences
E-Government Institute
Morgartenstrasse 2a
Postfach 305
CH-3000 Bern 22
New address after 1 September 2014:
Brückenstrasse 73
CH-3005 Bern

beat.estermann at bfh.ch<mailto:beat.estermann at bfh.ch>
Phone +41 31 848 34 30
Phone (direct number) +41 31 848 34 38
Fax +41 31 848 34 31

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