[Openglam_members] Wellcome Library blog on OpenGLAM

Lieke Ploeger lieke.ploeger at okfn.org
Tue Jun 10 13:21:23 UTC 2014

Hi Dorota,

That is really strange - there have been issues before though with the
Publishing feature. I have re-added the blog: you should be able to see it
now here:

Best and good luck for the ELAG conference!


On 10 June 2014 13:53, Dorota Laura Kawęcka <laura.cof at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> just to let you know that this link:
> http://openglam.org/2014/06/03/the-wellcome-librarys-top-10-open-images/
> doesn't work!
> D.
> 2014-06-10 12:49 GMT+01:00 Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
>> thanks a lot for picking up on this.
>> I think this is a nice approach for now. It remains an important
>> question, what to do with PD material that is licensed with CC-licenses, as
>> you basically acknowledge that the institution had the rights to license it
>> as such, which is often not the case. At the same time applauding moves
>> towards open and re-usable licenses is great so we don't want to
>> disapprove.
>> Thanks again, and looking forward to the workshop.
>> Cheers,
>> Joris
>> 2014-06-10 10:18 GMT+02:00 Lieke Ploeger <lieke.ploeger at okfn.org>:
>>> Dear Working Group members,
>>> During our monthly call last week (see notes at
>>> https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1yCJUVrTsbnSenuQA0tGQ0rugEwitlyiwATJbIrJpQEs/edit)
>>> we discussed the Curator's Choice blog on the Wellcome Images release. Some
>>> members felt that it might not be a good signal to actively promote this
>>> collection (consisting of public domain material that was licensed as CC-BY
>>> following digitisation) at this moment, in light of the ongoing discussion
>>> around this topic, as well as the upcoming OKfest session.
>>> However, taking a blog offline after it has been published, combined
>>> with the fact that it is still an Open Collection (also mentioned on our
>>> Open Collections page) would also not be a right signal. After discussing
>>> the matter further with Adam Green, we have now added a disclaimer text at
>>> the bottom of the blog, stating our awareness of the issue, and inviting
>>> everyone to participate in discussing it further at OKfestival:
>>> *The OpenGLAM working group would like to add that, although we very
>>> much appreciate collections being made available under an open license such
>>> as CC-BY, we also value the principle of keep digital representations of
>>> works for which copyright has expired (public domain) in the public domain
>>> by not adding new rights to them following digitisation. We understand that
>>> this is a difficult matter, which has been discussed quite extensively on
>>> our mailing list and elsewhere recently. That is why we are organising a
>>> workshop at OKFestival entitled ‘Maintaining a healthy and thriving Public
>>> Domain – exploring the notion of originality and copyright when digitising
>>> analogue works‘. We invite everyone to join in our discussion, so that we
>>> can come to a common approach on how to deal with this topic in the future.*
>>> Hoping you are all OK with this approach, and looking forward to the
>>> OKFest session!
>>> Best regards, Lieke Ploeger
>>> --
>>> Lieke Ploeger
>>> Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger
>>> <https://twitter.com/liekeploeger>
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Lieke Ploeger

Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger

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