[Openglam_members] OpenGLAM @ "Vernetzte Welten" Conference in Graz etc.

Estermann Beat beat.estermann at bfh.ch
Mon Feb 29 13:06:11 UTC 2016

Dear members of the OpenGLAM Working Group,

Last week we were able to hold a OpenGLAM workshop during the "Digitale Bibliothek" Conference in Graz:

I think the workshop that was hosted by Sylvia Petrovic-Majer (OKNF-AT), Claudia Garad (WMAT), and myself was a great success and likely to spur some renewed activity around OpenGLAM in Austria.

In the course of the conference we also discussed possibilities of hosting an international OpenGLAM get-together in the context of a conference organized by the EU project co:op (https://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at/de/forschen/coop/) in Graz or at the occasion of the next issue of the "Digitale Bibliothek" Conference in Graz. Both conference are expected to take place in the first half of 2017.

Please let us know about your thoughts. It would also be interesting to hear more about OKNF's regarding OpenGLAM, conferences, get-togethers, and so on.

Kind regards,

By the way, the slides of my input presentation at the workshop can be found here (in English):
Slides of the other conference contributions should follow shortly on the conference website (many of them in German).

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Beat Estermann
Coordinator OpenGLAM CH Working Group
Berne University of Applied Sciences
E-Government Institute
Brückenstrasse 73
CH-3005 Bern
beat.estermann at openglam.ch<mailto:beat.estermann at openglam.ch>

Phone +41 31 848 34 38

Second Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon - 1/2 July 2016 - Save the date<http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2016-07>!

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