[opensourcepharma] OSP 2015 Rauischholzhausen - alternative dates available

Peter Kolb peter.kolb at uni-marburg.de
Thu Feb 26 09:54:02 UTC 2015

Dear all,

As you know, OSP 2015 will take place in Castle Rauischholzhausen. 
However, we have realized that the June date might not be optimal for 
some participants, and we'd thus like to poll you again for your 
favorite option. Please fill in your preferences at 
http://doodle.com/v6bmapy4rzu8wn47 until March 5. We will then take a 
final decision and communicate the new date (if necessary).  We are 
considering as late as September or October, when the weather is 
temperate - although the castle is heated!

In a nice development, the Tata Trusts have agreed to bear the travel 
costs of participants from India (where by mandate they spend their funds).

Looking forward to an amazing second get-together of this movement,

Peter, Mat, Jaykumar


P e t e r   K o l b
Emmy Noether Junior Group Leader
Pharmaceutical Chemistry @ Philipps-University Marburg
Tel +49 6421 28 25908 | Fax +49 6421 28 28994

Chair | GLISTEN: COST Action CM1207

Editor | Journal of Postdoctoral Affairs

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