[openspending-dev] Roadmaps and release schedules

Tryggvi Björgvinsson tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org
Sat Mar 9 11:54:18 UTC 2013

Þann fös 8.mar 2013 16:46, skrifaði Vitor Baptista:
> I feel the trend in the webdev world is to deploy as often as possible,
> getting to extremes like GitHub (
> https://github.com/blog/1241-deploying-at-github) doing dozens of deploys
> per day. In 2012, they did 175 deploys in a single day!


Alright, seems like we shouldn't put up a rigid release schedule (which
is just fine, it was only a suggestion to get the conversation started).
I can live with a pure rolling release (deploy when ready). I think it
can be done bu we must take special care (to quote Spiderman -- not
Voltaire: With great power there must also come -- great
responsibility!). These considerations come down to the emails I
referred to in my last email. So I'll lay them out (and start each
thread individually when I've given it some thought based on a pure
rolling release - you can start them as well if you feel like it). I'll
enumerate them as I go along... hold on tight, this is going to be long.

The way OpenSpending works is that we have a central service
(openspending.org) and then a bunch of satellite sites (which we may or
may not know about) that rely on that service to work correctly. It
should be our absolute priority (imo) not to break those sites, these
are the people who want to use OpenSpending (governments do not have the
same patience with broken software as hackers do).

If we deploy via a pure rolling release we need to take good care of
those sites and never ever break things unless we give them a heads up
and some time to get ready (and a migration time frame). This is
something the 6 month release cycle solves by giving maintainers of
those sites two dates (every 6 months) when they can see if there site
still works).

As far as I know we don't have a continuous integration server but we
should (we could do it on the staging server I think but iirc there are
some monitoring services we're using which we might be able to use). We
need it if we're continuously deploying (even if we're a small community
- I'd like us to be able to grow without breaking our infrastructure).
We need to do a lot of testing, especially regression testing. So this
brings me to one of the emails:

1. Test framework / Continuous integration

We have to build a rock solid test framework/suite for OpenSpending.
Every new feature should come with a test that cannot be removed unless
the community has had time to prepare / respond. All tests should pass
before we can deploy.

We will all have to agree on a workflow (and we have to document it),
which is one of the emails:

2. Work flow of OpenSpending

Vitor actually already started discussing this and has some ideas:

> The next steps, now that we have a staging site
> (thanks, Nigel!), could be to work on our deployment process. Configure a
> deployment tool (maybe Fabric?), configure Travis (or Jenkins), and set up
> a way to deploy, automatically, every commit to our staging site, if the
> tests pass.

There are other concerns like how do we deal with pull requests, how do
things get merged? Should we make it a requirement that all merges have
to be vouched by one/two other devs before they can be committed? We
need to check if new features come with tests. How do we know everybody
agrees on where OpenSpending is heading? We could have monthly dev
meetings, with a community built agenda, on IRC which are logged.

I'm still keen on having a roadmap (an idea of where we are going) and
just as Nigel said we can have a roadmap even if we have a pure rolling
release, we can update it whenever (e.g. on the monthly meetings if we
have those). At least it gives us a good reason to celebrate when we
reach our goals -- I really like celebrations ;-)

Our roadmaps only need to map some bigger feature which take a lot more
effort to implement. For example we have to decide what we want to do
with Pylons. It's not in active development since the core pylon group
started focusing on Pyramid. We need to move away from Pylons, maybe go
to Pyramid (logical step from Pylons), maybe go to Flask (which has been
suggested). I'm a fan of asynchronous frameworks (Twisted/Tornado) but
that would be a massive change so I don't think we should go there).
Whatever we agree on this is a rather big change which we all need to be
aware of and we need to prepare our code. These can be big and small

Nigel and Martin have already done some work on a move from Genshi to
Jinja2 as our templating engine. This doesn't have to _the_ templating
engine but jinja2 is quite widely supported (and easier to maintain imo
than Genshi). I've also heard some ideas to move to pystache (the python
port of mustache) to avoid logic in the template. I think the template
discussion can help us figure out how we deal with a medium sized change
that everybody need to agree on, giving us another of the emails:

3. Template engine

It's a smaller discussion and I know this can lead to bikeshedding (if
what we're figuring out is how we can agree on moderate effort changes).
Another, possibly slightly larger discussion would be:

4. Web framework

What web framework should we use instead of Pylons? We might have to
discuss this before (or parallel to) the template engine discussion.
These are discussions we need to have very soon and they can be use
cases for how we build up a roadmap (or if we build up a roadmap).

Another even larger discussion would be about modularisation. This is
probably one of the most important discussions we need to have (so it's
a bad idea to have put it last in such a long email - but here's to
hoping that people at least skim through the enumerated parts):

5. Modularisation

There might actually be different paces to different parts of
OpenSpending and I think the code base is too large to be useful (for
maintenance, for contributions and just software engineering principles
in general). It is doing too much at the same time. We have our
analytical machine that powers the satellite sites and then we have some
visualisation (demos - not a core part but a requirement). If I'm an
OLAP specialist and I want to hack on that part (which I think is the
core part of the OpenSpending platform) I still have to install the
complete package with Solr, the template engine and whatnot. I think
that this might drive contributors away, it makes maintenance more
difficult, it might result in forks, and it makes testing more difficult.

This is a huge change which requires quite a big effort (and therefore
justifies to be on a roadmap since we have to take baby steps in that
direction). It can involve breaking OpenSpending into different projects
(e.g. make OpenSpending.org a satellite site on top of the spending
cube) and it can involve smaller changes like breaking big python
modules into more specific ones (with a clearer focus). An example of
this is Martin and Michael's work on the data store. They've created an
experimental branch where they split the data store out from the model
(cube/dataset separation).

This discussion would basically be about the future of the code base and
imo requires a roadmap and a lot of planning.

Alright, some things off my chest. I hope you made it this far. Feel
free to attack my opinions or add yours. I can change my mind based on
good arguments and I never take things personally so you don't really
have to be polite but that would still be good netiquette on a public
mailing list :-)


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