[openspending-dev] Storing Geodata on Openspending - is this even a good idea?

Jorge Cardoso Leitão jorgecarleitao at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 17:10:44 UTC 2014

Hi Michael

I've implemented a map using contracts data and geo data from PT official
sources (using d3.js/geo.d3.js) (not live yet, on a local branch). The
procedure works nicely with minor details:

1. it is not always the case that there is a correct mapping between geo
data and data in the contracts. Some manual mapping between them may be
required (e.g. a substitution rule);

2. Some regions appear/disappear with geographic reforms; it is not clear
how to handle such cases;

3. the highest level of detail (admin A3 if I remember correctly) is too
much detailed to be shown at once. Showing when zooming is recommended to
my experience.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Michael Bauer <michael.bauer at okfn.org>

> Hi there,
> I've realized there is no easy way to turn geographically based budget data
> (e.g. projects in different regions of a country) into a map (e.g.
> choropleth).
> I've thought about creating a mapping visualization for openspendingjs.
> There seem to be two ways to do this:
> A) The user supplies a topojson/geojson file with the visualization and
> which parameters to join the data together.
> B) We store geodata (shapes, points) on Openspending in a dataset.
> ad A)
> Seems to be quite easy to do -
> ad B)
> While it might be weird to add a geometry attribute to dimensions this
> could be a lot more flexible.
> e.g. you have geo-references on three levels: Think about projects budgeted
> for in regions and provinces. All three, the project, the region and the
> province have a geographical component. Why not add geometries to all of
> them and have the map determine which level of detail to show based on zoom
> levels?
> Any thoughts are appreciated!
> Michael
> --
> Data Diva | skype: mihi_tr | @mihi_tr
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