[wdmmg-discuss] New version of store uploaded

Dave Boyce dave at iconomical.com
Wed Apr 21 16:26:56 UTC 2010

On 21 Apr 2010, at 17:53, Alistair Turnbull wrote:

> I've just uploaded a version of the store software with the following changes:
> - /api/aggregator now computes per-capita spending data if you add "&per-population2006=region" to the end of the URL. See docs at /api for details. (You can deduce that the store now holds data about the populations of regions. Eventually data of this sort will be available from the web interface, but I haven't written that part yet, so the population data currently only used by the aggregator).
> - /api/aggregator is now behind a cache. This makes a huge performance improvement. The aggregator should now respond almost instantly, apart from the first time a given request is made on a given day. Let me know if you notice any cache-related problems - I hope there will be none, obviously!
> - Spending is now expressed in pounds, as opposed to in millions of pounds. (And similarly population is in people, not thousands of people). We decided that this is more appropriate for the store. Obviously the presentation layer can choose its own display convention...
> Dave, is there anything else you need before you can make progress integrating the presentation layer with the store?

Not immediately, except for a few things I noticed today while I was testing the api. I'll email separately.

Cache is looking good!

	- Dave

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