[wdmmg-discuss] CRA 2010: description and questions

Anna Powell-Smith annapowellsmith at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 12 10:35:52 UTC 2010

Question for Alistair/Lisa:

In PESA 2009, the CRA parts are structured in just the same way as
2010 - Tables 9 and 10:

But in the bitbucket package for CRA 2009, you don't actually use
those two spreadsheets, you use something else:
http://bitbucket.org/okfn/ukgov-finances-cra/src/tip/data.py pulls in:

This CSV file classifies every row by both region and sub-function,
more helpfully.

Where did it come from - was this the spreadsheet released under FOI?
If so, do you think there's any chance we could obtain a similar one
again through FOI?

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