[wdmmg-discuss] Launch of Hacks & Hackers London tomorrow

K Corrick kathryn.corrick at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 17 12:12:21 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,
I've just been made aware of the launch of Hacks & Hackers London tomorrow
night, which I thought some here might like to be aware of or attend
Details and to sign up -

The story so far For the last 4 months, once a month, a bunch of keen, but
slightly confounded journalists has met up with some knowledgeable and
patient coders to learn the basics of Ruby and drink beer. (The first 'Ruby
in the Pub', as the gathering was known, took place in March Joanna Geary, a
web editor at The Times and James Ball, from The Bureau of Investigative
Journalism, discovered they were both trying to develop some programming
skills.) The event has grown bigger every month since. Recently, though, we
realised a similar, more developed event was already rolling out across the
US, and that it would be worth throwing our lot in with the burgeoning
Hacks/Hackers community!

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