[wdmmg-discuss] CRA 2010: progress report [was: CRA 2010: description and questions]

Anna Powell-Smith annapowellsmith at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 18 16:23:54 UTC 2010

> We have some examples of LA spending in table 9 that are not in table 10
> and vise-versa. To cope with this we have added all unique lines of spending
> to joined report.

Actually we should think about how best to add LA spending as unique
items... we have the choice of adding these items classified *either* by
COFOG 2 or by region, but not both.

Choices are:

- classified by COFOG 2, in which case LA items are only classified with
region 'England', unlike everything else in the CRA.
- classified by region, in which case the LA items have no COFOG 2

I think probably the second, because adding a higher-level
'England' region will probably have all sorts of knock-on effects for the
regional dashboard and for data queries.

Whereas we know what to do with LA items with no COFOG2 classifications - we
just keep the 'Unknown' (or rather 'Local authority') bubbles in the main

Does that make sense?
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