[wdmmg-discuss] Meeting at the Treasury part 1.

Dave Boyce dave at iconomical.com
Mon Feb 8 17:29:26 UTC 2010

> It goes down to program objects. I will cover what these are in the CRA email.

Looking forward to it!

>>> The 'whole of Government accounts' is a big project to get a complete report
>>> on the Central Gov and Local Gov spending. It is planned for a couple of
>>> years time.
>> So we may actually have something better than they have before them ;)
> Yes, on the website it says the Whole of Government Accounts is due this year, but Ben Pearce, who I met on Friday, said it was more likely to be two years away.

I've been looking at the project as visualising as much of the UK public sector as possible....

	- Dave

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