[wdmmg-discuss] The Israeli Budget

Rani Einav rani at einav.com
Thu Jul 29 04:08:16 UTC 2010

I'm new on this list.
I'm from the Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel. 
www.meida.org.il <http://www.meida.org.il>.
We've asked and received the Israeli budget in an excel file in order to 
put it online visualized.
We've made a little research for visualization tools / applications and 
found wdmmg website to be our model for how a budget should be presented 
and visualized.

You can download the excel file from here: www.meida.org.il/Israel state 
Budget 2009_2010 290710.zip 
This budget is in Hebrew, but we've translated the headers.

Columns A-H contain the name and code of each budget line.
Note that each of the 4 levels in the hierarchy is represented by two 
digits in the code (so that there can be up to 100 branches in each 
level of the tree).
Columns I-M contain  the budget of 2009; Columns N-R contain the budget 
of 2010.
Columns S-V contain 2009's budget, adjusted for changes made during the 
year and its actual performance (here we have data for only some of the 

I'd like to discuss 3 issues:

   1. What should we do to build a website like wdmmg to represent the 
Israeli budget? Are there any guidelines / method / web architecture / CMS?
   2. Is there a chance we can use wdmmg source files and adjust them to 
our needs?
   3. We thought of adding a wikimedia to the "more info" window so 
users would be able to add their views/hints/knowledge/inside 
information about the different sections.

Please help me ask the right questions regarding this process. I'll be 
happy to answer yours.

Rani Einav
The Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel

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