[wdmmg-discuss] A commenting system for Where Does My Money Go

David Jones david.jones at okfn.org
Wed Jun 9 09:26:02 UTC 2010

We plan to have a commenting system for Where Does My Money Go, see  
the Use Cases on the wiki: http://wiki.okfn.org/p/ 

I spent a small amount of time yesterday investigating the "plugin"  
commenting systems available on the internet.  These are all focussed  
around providing commenting for blogs, but they can all be used for  
our purposes.

There are basically 3 contenders: Disqus, Echo (was haloscan),  
Intense Debate.  A very rough spreadsheet comparison is http:// 

Mostly for its popularity and maturity it seems that Disqus is the  
way to go.

If anyone some useful Disqus expertise or war stories, then please  
speak up!

David Jones

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