[wdmmg-discuss] Fwd: COINS seminar (Friday 2nd July)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jun 23 10:02:42 UTC 2010

There's a free HM Treasury organized seminar aimed at assisting
developers to use COINS taking place on Friday 2nd July:


If you're interested in government finance info this seems like a
great opportunity to get info straight from the "horse's mouth"


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thayer Prime
Date: 23 June 2010 09:54
Subject: COINS seminar

Hi Rufus

Hope you are well.

I am writing to let you know about the Treasury seminar on the COINs
database specifically aimed at developers.  This is a free event to
attend, and it'd be great if there was something from OKFN there, but
also if you could spread the word throughout your network that would
be appreciated.  I want as good a cross section of developers
attending this as possible.


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