[wdmmg-discuss] Updated personas doc, and User Stories spreadsheet

steve cummaford cummaford at googlemail.com
Fri May 28 13:54:24 UTC 2010


I've updated the personas document, based on feedback. The document now
presents less information about each persona, and summarises their
requirements as user stories. The user stories are collated in a
spreadsheet, so that they can be sorted according to rankings later in the

The doc starts with a summary of the next steps in the Agile process, which
involve estimating the work involved so that we can prioritise development
efforts over the next phase.

If you have any additional user stories that you think we should consider,
please let me know and I can add them to the docs.

Here's the document with the persona summaries:

The User Stories are in this spreadsheet:

best wishes
Steve Cummaford PhD
+44 (0)7968 732 931
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cummaford
Twitter: @anditsin
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