[wdmmg-discuss] Using Ushahidi to crisis-map The Cuts

Richard Pope richard at memespring.co.uk
Sat Oct 9 12:09:49 UTC 2010

I'm not sure if this is too political for OKF to do as an official
project or not, but does anyone fancy helping setup an install of
Ushahidi to monitor the impact of the cuts?  I have a server it can
live on.


The kind of information I'd like to gather is at the impact end of the
cuts, so $x mental health project shut, $n people made redundant from
child services.

Ideally this would need to be up and running by the day of the
spending review. Tres news-worthy IMO.


richard at memespring.co.uk
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memespring (flickr/skype/etc)
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