[wdmmg-discuss] Seeking a volunteer to help us with our Twitter account

K Corrick kathryn.corrick at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 3 12:18:54 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,
Would anyone like to help me run the Where Does My Money Go Twitter account?

It's a really useful way for us to get in touch others, be aware of
activities, ventures, events and people who are working on spending and open
data (at a local, national and international level) as well as post updates
on what we're up to.

We've been doing this quite well over the last few months but I know that we
could do it even better, but for this I need help!

In return you'll get my eternal gratitude (not to be underestimated) and
should you require it communication training (oh, yes!) and how we're using
Twitter as an organisation.

It's a bargain offer and not one to be lightly dismissed :-)

If this is something you'd like to get involved with do email.

Big thanks in advance,

Kathryn Corrick, Where Does My Money Go, Communications
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