[wdmmg-discuss] Public Sector Procurement Expenditure Survey

Anna Powell-Smith annapowellsmith at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 22 15:39:08 UTC 2010

Hi all,

The CLG has recently released some spending data [1], and this raises an
interesting question about another spending dataset.

The CLG's spending categories are taken from the "Public Sector Procurement
Expenditure Survey" (catchy title). I've just noticed that the OGC has
*already* released some departmental spending data using the same
categorizations [2].

>From a quick once-over, the OGC's data looks fairly amenable
to visualisation. It seems to cover all government departments, too.

Perhaps there is the potential to create a new bubble vis from the OGC data.
We could then link the CLG and other departmental spending releases to this
dataset and vice versa - which would be a whole lot easier than trying to
match them with the COFOG data.

I don't know much about the OGC data, though. Two key questions:

1. Does anyone know anything about the OGC's PSPES data - what it actually
covers and what the quality is like?
2. Does anyone know whether the other, forthcoming departmental spending
releases are likely to use the PSPES categorisations?


[1] http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/corporate/spendingdata0910
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